Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's 1:32 A.M.

It's 1:32 you know where your blogger is?  Of course you don't.... :)  But you *know* I'm going to tell you....  ;)

I began working on painting again today around lunch time...I am just now finishing up for the day.  The hall got a texture paint makeover did the kitchen.  I think if you could skip moving furniture and appliances and taping every daggum thing, it would certainly go a lot more swiftly.  I'm relatively sure that if I were to attempt stepping up on the counter stool even one more time to trim around the molding, I would be an excellent candidate for the "Help!  I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial.....

Speaking of falling....I fell outside crazy....I can't remember the last time I fell...

Well, there was that time a couple of years ago that I tripped over a piece of twine we were using to mark rows in the garden.  I was pitchforking hay around the tomatoes ...not paying attention to where I was stepping...and SNAP!  My ankle found the twine..or the twine found my ankle..or whatever....  And I landed on my backside...still holding my pitchfork of hay, mind you.  My children and husband were all standing around...did anyone rush to my aid?  Did anyone ask in concern if I was okay?  Heck, no!  They laughed.  I earned a softball size bruise on my calf muscle that stuck around for about a year...

Don't ask me why I tell you these things....

At any rate, as I was making my way from the goats pens today, three empty buckets in one hand and an empty bowl in the other, my flip flop slid on the pine needles and the next thing I know I'm on the ground.  I must admit the first thought that popped into my mind was, "If I would have had on my cape, that wouldn't have happened"....which may not be entirely true....I mean, maybe I just should've had my muck boots on....  And can you believe it???... I even skinned my knee.  How weird....I have new sympathy for my kids know with the first one, every time they fall, you run in the house, grab the antiseptic wash, softly pat it with a washcloth, put enough triple antibiotic ointment on it to cure all Africa of germs, put a six inch square bandage on it, and check on them at night to make sure they are okay and not burning up with a fever from infection....
By the fourth one, you kinda have the tendency to not even bat an find yourself saying, "Are you okay?"  and "Dust it'll be alright"....and "Wow! You're're not even crying" when they are, in fact, screaming at the top of their lungs.  (Just so you know...I do comfort my children when they get hurt....) But after today, I may revert back to my former compassion.  Okay, maybe not quite that far back....

It is rather traumatic to be walking along with your feet firmly on the ground and suddenly...Bang!'re on your leg stretched before you, one behind you, buckets rolling down the hill....and blood on your knee.....and those little skins smart.  Okay...mine was tiny...I won't lie....but it did smart.... LOL....I've decided why God allows us to fall so much as's because we are closer to the ground in our youth.  And we don't have as much area to skin.  Oh yeah...and cause someone is there to pick you up when you fall.....  :)

Having shared all that....I must now bid you adieu ....Sarah's birthday is tomorrow.  She wants a tropical party.  I usually make their cakes/cupcakes.  I thought that this one time, since things are so hectic, I might purchase one.  I offered that option to which she looked offended and told me store bought cakes were nasty.  LOL....So....I am going to make chocolate cupcakes and ATTEMPT to make fondant hibiscus flowers to put on top....they will be soooooo cute if I can pull it off...we shall see.  I have to do them tonight...I'll be stressing tomorrow trying to get the house in some semblance of order.

Good night or good morning to you....  hope your day makes your heart smile.....  <3

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