Saturday, August 29, 2009

Feeling the need for some contemplation time...

I covet time alone...I love to have some quiet and just breathe. Don't feel like I've had much of that this week.... That stubborn dining room table has kept me busy. I was sanding on it again today and put another coat of stain on it... Had a Homeschool meeting...Typed up the homeschool group newsletter...Ran my errands...Worked on housecleaning..and all that other jazz....
Anyway, every now and then I get this huge urge to go....somewhere wide open. I don't want to be surrounded by things or talk...I want to get away. It's like deep calling out to deep...only it's not necessarily a person, it's more of a ...feeling? It's rare that I run short on words *smile* but tonight my mind is elsewhere...
Feels like one of those nights to jump in the car, roll the windows down, and let your arm and hair and face feel the wind rushing of those nights to sit by the river and listen to the crickets and cicadas sing their night time of those nights that just make you wistful for ...something...can't put my finger on it. Well, since I'm rambling tonight, I suppose I will cut it short and since all the kiddos are in bed and Darren is gone and I can't go for a late night ride or sit by the river and even begin to untangle my wistfulness, I'll just go work on the dadblasted table.

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