Sunday, June 13, 2010

And Then There Was One...

In keeping with our desire to homestead, we planted six apple trees in our front yard two years ago.  They are semi-dwarf varieties and take a couple of years to begin bearing any fruit.  As spring filled the landscape with green leaves and explosions of color, I found myself completely enamored by the delicate, fragrant apple blossoms.  There's just something so sentimental and nostalgic about those blossoms in the front yard.  It somehow makes me feel as though I am Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables....

Imagine my excitement when I eagerly searched the apple trees and noted that there were four apples growing right outside my front door.  Ah!!  The joy!!  So there were only four apples total from six trees..everything must have a beginning, no?

My camera was already in hand and I began to snap pictures to document our first home grown apples.  The first picture I took was the twosome I found.....

Aren't they lovely??  I reached up to gently move the leaf aside and get a closer picture and {gasp!} ....this was the result......

Horror of horrors!!  I had merely touched the apple; yet, it was enough to make it leave its lofty perch upon the limb and plop to the ground beneath!  What had I done?!?!?!

And then.....   Well, and then there was one.   Grow strong and delicious, dear heart!!  :D

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